List of products by brand Ideal Lux

Founded in 1974, Ideal-lux was born as a small reality guided by the intuition of designing a product that is current and at the same time accessible to a wide range of public, an objective still pursued today.

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Founded in 1974, Ideal-lux was born as a small reality guided by the intuition of designing a product that is current and at the same time accessible to a wide range of public, an objective still pursued today.

Our ambition is to enclose in a single brand the widest possible variety of styles, aligned with the trends of the sector, ranging from classic to modern decorative items, from outdoor products to technical ones. Attention to people is central. We listen to them to better understand their needs in order to respond not only to a function, but above all to a lifestyle. Being present on five continents today gives us an international reach, which hasn't changed our way of being and operating as a company: the taste for things well done, the aptitude for transparency, the habit of simplicity.