List of products by brand Stilnovo

Stilnovo is an Italian company founded in Milan in 1946 specialized in the production of lighting fixtures and furnishing accessories. In the 1950s and 1960s, Stilnovo was one of the leading companies in Italian design, collaborating with some of the most important architects and designers in the world.

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The Stilnovo lamps of this period are characterized by an innovative and refined design, which helped define the aesthetics of Italian modernism.

In 2019, Stilnovo was acquired by Linea Light Group, a world leader in LED lighting. The acquisition has allowed Stilnovo to continue producing high quality lamps, using the most modern technologies.

Today, Stilnovo is a global company, with offices in Italy, France, Germany, Greece and the United States. The company produces a wide range of lamps and furnishing accessories, which are sold all over the world.