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Plaster wall lamps

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Less known than other products such as glass or ceramic, plaster wall lamps are today a great return of indoor lighting. The reasons? One simple style able to adapt to any room in the house and with a material of mining origin, much easier to work with and able to create customizable furniture and lighting solutions, with decorations and different colors on applique and led light.

Plaster wall lamps: simple and customizable installation

The plaster wall light is a very versatile lighting product capable of creating a remarkable light effect in smaller spaces such as a corridor or in larger spaces such as a living room or living area. In fact, inside the aforementioned material, the light reflects directly on the wall, avoiding annoying shadows or partial diffusion. The installation is very simple to perform since these are small products that do not take up much space and with the possibility of applying LED bulbs inside them, in favor of good energy saving. White LED solutions are available for those who prefer classic lighting or colored LED lights, recommended in transit areas or in the children's room.

It is very important to carefully evaluate the environment to be furnished and illuminated to understand if these models alone can ensure a good light effect or require additional light points. If the answer is positive, you can continue the evaluation also considering any customization elements to add such as decorations or colors of the applique and the LED light. Although simple and well explained in all the instruction booklets of the plaster applique, it is recommended to contact professionals in the sector for the installation of the different light points. Specialized figures, also able to advise the best position of the lamps by plaster.

How can plaster appliques be customized?

Another important strength of plaster wall lamps is the style and design of these products. Plaster is very easy to work with compared to more commonly used products such as glass and ceramics and provides the possibility of being able to customize the chosen model by applying decorations or paints. The common mistake often made on plaster wall lights is to consider only the classic white color among the models to choose from. This is absolutely not the case. It is, in fact, possible to opt for a different color based on the furniture already present in the house. A valid and original alternative, the adoption of a simple and white style, enriched by colored lights inside. And what about the shapes of a plaster wall lamp? There is no limit. Nowadays there are numerous models and shapes, from rounded ones to square ones, up to concave ones.